NEWS 2015
The last day of the year is here, and what a year to look back at! Many happy memories made and some exiting times ahead, as we are waiting for the first health results of our young female. Diezel and Gina are 9 years now, and both still acting like they are 5. For Vilje, my goal for 2016 is to take the BH test and get started on her international championships, hoping to collect some CACIB`s. Gina is enterred to Crufts in march, but other then this, the old one`s will just enjoy their retirement I think. They have both done well this year, and are NKK and NDK TOP VETERAN DOBERMANN - Gina beating her brother by a mulehair ;-)
A huge thank you to all my friends, for a lovely year - let`s bring on 2016!
BIS 3 Veteran & BOB Adult 08.11.15
Again a local show for us, and I had all 3 dogs entered for breed specialist Mr. Rodi Hubenthal. With only 5 dogs entered in total it was a very small show, and made even smaller when I had to pull out Diz because he was limping when we got there. Girls did me proud however - both graded exellent with CQ, and placing as first and second best females! Vilje went on to be BEST OF BREED with her auntie getting BOB Veteran. In the finals Gina placed as 3`rd BEST IN SHOW Veteran !! Wooopwooop !
MH test 15.11.15
After a while pondering over where to do Vilje`s MH test, I decided to jump on board with Nora and Robin, and go to Sweden for it. The Swedes have much better courses, and a longer history of mental testing then us here in Norway. So me and Vilje flew over to Oslo, where Nora collected us and then we drove the 2.5 hours to Uddevalla for the test. Vilje was first dog out, and she was on many things spot on her father`s test. Very pleased about that, and she passed the test with praise from the judge. Robin also made a nice test, so two very happy owners drove home that afternoon!! thanks for having us Nora, it was a great weekend and I am looking forward to our next adventures! :-)

This years last minibreak abroad, and we headed for Denmark for some nice days. I love it when I get to combine training with the dogs, show the dogs and simply enjoy the company of good friends! Kristine as per usual opened her home for us, and we had some super days. I got to accompany her to training, and all my dogs got to do some serious work – three HAPPY doggies ! All of them do good obedience, and I just love working with my oldies – they have certainly not forgot old ways, and I wish we had a proper training ground at home. they love it. Vilje is a very fast learner, and like her daddy, just vibrates of joy, she tries everything to get the reward, but mainly she is focused on me, and that is half the job done
We got to do some bitework, and my young girl for the second time in her life got to play with a proper helper – she made me proud. And got good praise from the trainer as well. Diz luckily had forgotten about his bad habit of slam dunking the helper in the blind for the hold and bark, and did some very nice repetisions. Gina – well…what can i say? She never misses a beat ! Love her !
The last day of our stay, we had enterred this years Copenhagen winner show. for Vilje it was the last time out in juniorclass, and first time out in veteranclass in DK for Diz and Gina. For a very strict judge, diezel was only one of two males graded exellent, however he did not get th CQ enabling him to get his veteran winner title – sour, but thats life. The heavens opened while the dobermanns were in the ring, and with me sliding around, I tried to show Vilje at her best. I nearly succeded…The judge was clear from the start that he really liked her, and placed her first in her class – this time I got the CQ, and my girl has her first FCI winner title !!!
Gina – last but not least, showed like she always does – a pure pleasure. winning her class of one, getting also the CQ and another title for her! In best female, I was very lucky to have help – I tossed Gina in the hands of a girl, gave her two seconds of instructions, and off we were for the best female competition. My girls placed as number 3 (Gina) and number 4 (Vilje) -I am soooo proud of them !!!!

Nesbyen double show 1-2.08.15
4.5 hours away from home this time. A lovely trip – I had forgotten how beautiful this side of the mountains was and the roads had improved since the last time I was here! All 3 dogs were enterred this time around, both days. This show is also somewhat special to me, as it was here Diezel got his first two CAC`s and his first BOB, fighting against the adults!
Coming here with his daughter, and himself as a veteran was a trip down memory lane.
First day out, the BBLC (Vilje) showed just how much she is like her father…bouncing around like a ping pong ball..
A smiling judge said that even her ears were bouncing all over the place..yes, we got the blue ribbon and a lovely critique but still sour. Diezel and sister Gina on the other hand, showed that the old one`s are still in the game!
Diezel best male & BOB, Gina best female and BOS! They also got the veteran BOB & BOS – so proud of my two! After the show we went to visit Kaiser & his family, always a pleasure. Twice so, as Vilje got some steam out, running around with her brother for about 5 hours..! LOL ! The next morning we had an early start, and for a danish judge we hit the jackpot. Vilje had settled down, and showed herself to perfection – I only needed to steer her in the right direction. EX1,CQ,CAC and best female of the day! Wooopwoooop!
Daddy Diezel replayed the day before and was the only male graded exellent, and again stood as best male. With some great help in the final, Vilje beat her father for BOB – so proud of my little BBLC !
She certainly walked in her fathers footsteps this show, as 8 years ago it was me and Diezel getting the CAC and BOB from juniorclass on this show.

GRAND PRIX Veteran Winners
For this show, we went to Trondheim. A 11 hour drive, but we had exellent company in our new friend Nora and her female. They visited us for a whole week, and so much fun! All 4 dogs had a blast, and we got to do some training as well.
Having entered my two oldies for both on saturday and Grand Prix on sunday, I chose to enter Vilje only for the Grand Prix, as she already have her "big"CAC, and was still too young to fight for the CACIB. For the first time in my years of showing, Diezel managed a good from the UK judge – to say I was stunned, is an understatement! Luckily Gina did her job as always, trotting herself in to BOB veteran and 4`th best female. Love my girl !
For our speciality Grand Prix show the next day, 19 dobermanns were entered and the sun had decided to bless us with it`s precence. For a hard but fair judge, Vilje got her exellent and was second best junior female this time. Having had the yellow the day before, I was nervous about this judge, but atleast he could see a good dog when he looked at one! Diezel was 2 best male in total, and one of only two that was graded EX with CQ. Gina again solid as always, was again 4`th best female. In BOB/BOS veteran, she took the longest straw against her brother. The judge praised them both, and was very happy to see veterans in such great shape!
The journey home was filled with laughter and even worse humor then the days gone by…if possible! LOL
Thanks again Nora & Robin for such great company, plenty of crazy stunts and lots of good memories – luckily many of them captured on camera!

I am still over the moon, with writing this. Attending the Dobermann Club Bergen`s annual show 24.05, I had enterred all 3 dogs this time. Thankfully the show was held in a big parking house, as the rain was pooring down !
Diezel was first one out this time, in veteran class. I was very nervous, as the judge was none other then Wera Hubenthal – a respected and known dobermann breeder. Diezel came out as the only male with exellent and CQ – it was quite lonely in best male….! hahaha! Vilje next, and she won her class again, getting another CQ. Gina as per usuall also got her CQ, and again I had two females in for best female of the day. With no extra handler, I had to give Gina to a girl who has never shown dobermanns before, and so it did not go well. Of the 4 females with CQ, she was placed last at 4`th. Vilje on the other hand, trotted herself in as second best female, only beaten by a full grown champion !! This meant that the CAC was ours !! This CAC is really special – not only is it from a breed specialist, but it is what we call a big CAC. To be Norwegian CH, one needs atleast one big, and two small cac`s.
On to best of breed, and with my poor showing (I got told of from the judge…I held him too hard, but OK. The floor was slippery and he was obsessing over the puppy pee in the ring) he was BOS this day.
But as best veteran, he was going in the big ring against the other winning veterans. Again it was Mrs. Hubenthal who judged, and when she pointed me to first place, I had to look twice to see if she really meant us! She did, and with a rosette nearly as large as Diezel himself, he posed proudly for the pictures!
The ride home nearly killed my sisters car, from the weight of all our winnings! LOL !!

"Total haul"

"Diezel with some of our prizes from the show"
11.04.15 NKK Bergen INT.Show
A rather local show for us this time, only 30 minutes drive. Vilje was entered in junior class, and auntie Gina in veteran class.
Diezel stayed at home this time, as my sister was the designated driver, and no room in her car for 3 dobies – my car is still quite dead… lol
Vilje was first one out for the irish judge Mrs Colette Muldoon. She won her class and with CQ she was also going in for best female later. Gina in veteran, also got her CQ and luckily for me I had my sister! In best female, I tossed her in the ring with Gina. Topping of the day, Vilje was placed 4`th best female, and Gina 3`rd best female! Vilje also got the RES.CAC – so chuffed about today ! Both girls got exellent critiques.
This show also counts for us in the Dobermann club`s most winning yearly contest.