NEWS 2016
Our last trip abroad this year, and again we set of to Denmark for the last double CACIB shows in Herning. This weekend the titles of Danish & Nordic Winner were on offer, and it was the weekend when this years TOP Dobermann competition came to it`s finish.
Once again we were accompanied by Nora & Robin - thanks for yet again an amazingly fun trip! As for the shows, Vilje won open class female both days with most exellent critiques, but we did not get the top honours this time, placing as 3`rd best female both days. But another great win was ours !
In her first year of showing abroad, she has beaten a lot of Champions for this honour. I am very happy and proud of her, as she continues to walk with ease in her fathers footsteps. Her picture will be in the Danish Kennel Club magazine, along with all the other breed winners.
Hopefully I will get my hands on a copy. :-)
With the winter approaching fast, we will just enjoy our walks in the forest and I have to focus on school with the upcoming exams. But the calendar for 2017 is already filling up, and so is it for 2018...!! LOL
As a few of you know, one of my goals for 2016 has been to take the BH test with my youngest girl, Vilje. But as the months have passed trough spring, summer and autuum - I had put this in the box for "to do" next year instead, as now the days are shorter and the rain and cold has come.
Thankfully I have friends who push me!
Not mentally prepared at all and with the rain coming from all angles all day, I found myself standing infront of a judge studdering my name and purpouse today.
Two hours later me and Vilje both dripping wet from all the rain, could drive home with our first working trial letters infront of her name !!
I can`t stop smiling and it`s really fun to write her name now :
KBVH 16 KBHJV 15 BH Newfords Keep Talking
Now onwards and upwards towards the next set of goals for us both !
Time for another trip abroad! This time it was for the annual Copenhagen Winner show in Ballerup, Denmark and my nerves were shattered. Our last trip abroad was not something to write home about (double CACIB show on Bornholm that just gave us a RES.CACIB & a VG in mid august) This time the dobermanns was to be judged by the renowned breed specialist Mrs Hassi A. Feyel from Germany.
With 17 dobermanns enterred, it was the highest number of entry at the DKK INT. shows so far this year. People had come from Norway, Sweden and Finland (as well as the regular Danish).
Me and Vilje flew down friday evening, and had a lovely time before showing on saturday.
And what a day ! Best female, another CACIB, BEST OF BREED and a new FCI title of KBHV 16 !!
My girl got much praise from the judge and she wished us all the best for our forthcoming litter next year, happy that such a good dog was cleared for breeding.
I am still on cloud 9, and will be for a while! :-)

Today it was 10 years ago that my dream litter was born in Sweden. I was standing outside in the rain, training Odin when the phonecall came that Tamlands "Top Of The Line" litter was here.
I was booked in for a male, but 15 months after their birth I collected Diezel`s sister as well.
The plan was to have her only a few months until a new home could be found, but she quickly settled and I could not let her go. Today is a day of joy and sadness.
Sadness because this is the first birthday where Diezel is not here and I miss him more then I can express in words.
Then I look at his sister, and my heart is filled with joy.
To me she is a very complete female, and I have been blessed beyond words to have shared my life with her. So today we have celebrated with hours and hours in the forest, and icecream !
My thoughts also go to Tamlands Donna Karan, who are celebrating in Finland with her family, and Tamlands Brabus Nasi in Serbia.

Another trip abroad! This time to the annual club show for the Lux dobermann Club. Late thursday night, me and Vilje set of to the airport as our flight was leaving at 06.00 in the morning and I hate getting up in the middle of the night, risking to be late. We were off to Amsterdam where we would eventually meet up with Nora & Robin. Their plane was 2.5 hours late, so me and Vilje got to spend about 7 hours on Schipol airport. But the weather was nice, and we got to train for our BH test - nothing better then a busy airport for distractions in obedience!
We found our rental car, and set off the 3 hour journey to our hotel in Luxembourg realising that we were to drive the same way back the day after for our visit to The Efteling.
Early up the next morning, and off we went! The dogs could come with us, as the amusement park have kennel facilities. And what a day! The weather was lovely, the attractions just as fun as I remeberred - I even dared venture on some new ones!
Sunday morning it was luckily only 15 minutes drive from the hotel to the showground. With over 100 dobermanns enterred, we had a great day meeting up with old friends, making new ones and looking at dogs that one only have seen on pictures before. Vilje & Robin both got EX and placed as 3 and 4 in open class brown females. The heat was blistering, and the sunburns we had all of us, made for some laughs - mine also got a smile from the judges - my startnumber on the arm ;-)
I love showing in Luxembourg - every dog gets a diploma and a trophy - gotta love some bling!
We spent the evening at the hotel, managed to get some nice new pictures of Vilje, having dinner and just enjoying the company before heading off to Amsterdam and the airport again, where my plane left at 08.30 the next morning. Tired and sunburned me and Vilje were greated by Gina when we came home, she had been on a mini vacation at my sisters house. Now to get some much needed slep!

Somehow our plans and ideas always sound great on paper, but what we tend to forget both Nora and me, is that the days only have 24 hours! We booked the ferry over to Denmark for yet another round of shows. This time the triple CACIB in Vejen - then we had the entire week for training and fun until we were off for the last strech to Holland, and yet another double CACIB before the long journey home. I can honestly say it has been a year since I have had this much fun, and so many scares! The car we hired was from the "Rent A Wreck" company..and this time they sure lived up to their name! Luckily the old Hiace managed to get us all safely there and back again, despite warning lights blinking on and off. We also returned home with 3 new CACIB, 1 RES.CACIB and 1 dutch CAC ! What I failed to realize before enterring to DK, was that this was yet again a Crufts qualification - so now Vilje has taken both female qualifications in DK this year! My very own BBLC sure is walking in her daddy`s footsteps, and I am very proud of her. Also we got some exellent training done, both tracking, obedience and bitework. Both Vilje and Robin improved very nicely in all diciplines, and goals are set.
Gina just tagging along for the ride, got some very nice tracks done as well. Her obedience is still super, and she came to life doing bitework in the woods - she just loves to work my grand old lady !

Diezel has passed the rainbow bridge. It was the last thing I could do for you, my best friend. The house is empty, and I can`t stop crying. You were my once in a lifetime dog, and you taught me so much.
Standing by me through all the storms, I can honestly say that if not for you I would not be here today.
You have been my best friend, my protector and my teacher.
Thanks to you I have learned how a true Dobermann can be when at its very best, and I am forever grateful to have shared my life with you. In your daughter I see you everyday and I can smile - she has been the greatest gift you could give - a little piece of you.
Until we meet again, my love. xxx

Whilst in Denmark, I was also able to get Viljes heart tested. I am very grateful to have such friends in fellow owners and breeders, so that I may undertake this important test whenever I want! This was Vilje`s first EKG holter, and the result was DCM CLEAR at this point in time.
DKK Roskilde double INT.Show
First weekend abroad this year, and what a flying start! Me and Vilje were collected at Kastrup airport by our friend Kristine, and after a nice breakfast at her mum`s house, it was time to put Vilje in her EKG Holter vest for the first time.
A nervewrecking 24 hours for me, and we pulled the vest of 20 minutes before jumping in the car the next morning, to go to Roskilde and the double CACIB show.
This time was nothing to worry about however,and again we won open class - actually Vilje was the only female to get the CQ, so in best female competition she was alone! The male beat her for best of breed, but she got her first CACIB !
After a nice evening, it was time to get some sleep before we had to jump in the car again the next morning for round 2. And in wonderful spring weather for a very strict German judge, my girl was one out of only two females who graded exellent!
In for best female and Vilje stood first - this time pulling out all her stops and we got BEST OF BREED !
With her second CACIB she also qualified for next year`s Crufts!
Thank you Kristine for always opening your home to us, and for always helping out no matter what.
I hope it will not be long until we can have another roadtrip!

NKK Bergen INT.Show 16.04.16
Time for our local Kennel club show again, and for Vilje it was her very first time out in open class! This was also the biggest female class of the day, but my girl won it and topped it of by becoming second best female with the "big" CAC and her first RES.CACIB !!!! Superproud of her, giving the judge a hard time deciding between her and the black WW15 for best female. :-)
Returning home and enjoying the sun in our forest, it nearly felt unreal to have been in the showring just half an hour earlier. I wish all shows could be this close to home!

BEST OF BREED 27.02.16
Since this show was so close to home, we decided to enter. I took only Vilje for this one, as the car I am currently borrowing is very small and can only manage one dog the size of a dobermann.. ;-)
I am sad to see entries so low nearly at all the shows - only 2 dobermann entered, and the other one did not show.
My girl got best of breed with no CAC this time, as the new rules in Norway states one can only get a total of 3 CAC`s and this she has. A really annoying rule that makes showing that much less fun!
In the group we were up against 27 other dogs, and we got picked for top 6 but no further.
But such a nice day around the ring - many people to meet and talk to, and many beautiful dogs to look at!
HD result 19.01.16
I x-rayed Vilje in late december, but because of the holidays her hips were not scored until the new year.
I always check neck, spine and knees when going in for the hipscoring as well, and this all looked very good. Waiting rather unpartiently, today the results on the hips were in: HD B !
Very happy and relieved, as such things are always a bit nervewrecking.
Her sister, Newfords Kiss Kiss Bang Bang also did her hips not long ago and got a UK total score of 3/4, thats equivalent to our HD A :-)
Atleast two more of Diezel`s babies are going to get scored in the new year so fingers crossed for them.