NEWS 2020
As the year comes to an end, we can all look back on a strange and scary year. The pandemic has changed our lives in many ways, some still yet to see. Most of my plans had to be changed or canselled, and it looks like the coming year will bring much of the restrictions still.
We made it to some shows, the highligt beeing my male getting his Norwegian CH title. I had planned some obedience trials with Vilje, but those got canselled too. Hopefully the few trials held here in my area will go ahead in the new year. I am also hoping for my female Nikki, to get her last CAC, we have our first outing in february. Fingers crossed!
Thanks to her, we again placed on the Dobermann Club winner`s list. For breeding females the list was shortened to top 3, so my girl Vilje just missed the cut as nr 4.
Still pleased with the results though!
Iztaris Anvindr - 3`rd best show female
4`th best show dog total
Kennel Iztaris - 3`rd best show kennel
Nice results for attending a whopping 5 shows...! LOL ! Hopefully this coming year will be filled with puppies and other good times. Males for both females are decided, and have accepted the matings.
I once more have to say thanks to my puppy buyers, as more health results are in. Sadly we also had to say goodbye to Storm, my red collar male in the A litter. After an accident his life could not be saved.
Hopefully this coming new year will bring with it plenty of great memories, much laughter and hte best of health to you all. To my A litter babies, may you continue to thrive on your families sofas and continue to be spoiled rotten.
Another dog from my breeding is now Embark tested. This time it was Iztaris Argonath.
For the complete result, please visit his own page here:

This weekend was again the Norwegian Dobermann Club`s annual winner show. Unlike other years, this time it was a double show, so 2 chances for CAC. Both my youngsters are just one CAC away from their CH title, and my girl was just beaten at the finishline, picking up 2 reserve CAC`s, showing super as always, both with me and Mari - who I had to help me especially with Marco as he is soo strong!
Mari tried her best with him, but when he has his mind in "Bulldozer mode", he is too strong for the ring.
Yesterday however, he simply just felt great, and so I decided to try once more myself. Writing this now, I haven`t stopped smiling - 2 best male and his crowning CAC !!
Marco is now Norwegian Show Champion!
It`s been a great weekend, we also got our rosettes for our placings on last years winners lists and I will never forget the roar of congratulations when standing in the ring with my new champion. Thank you everyone for such a great weekend with lots of new memories to cherish!
On a different note, as Vilje was empty this time, she will be mated again on next heat. I have also added the female from the A litter that I hope to use next year, if her EKG holter test is clear. Exiting times!

It is with shock and sadness that the news came today.
My red collar boy has his wings.
After an accident, he was put to sleep with a broken neck.
My thoughts go out to his family, it is always hard to lose a companion but especially in a traumatizing way.
Rest in peace, my darling boy.
You will be missed.
Two of the A litter gang has had their first EKG holter on, and the results are in.
Both of my youngsters are currently DCM clear ! I am happy to have a baseline for further testing down the road, and ofcourse Ì`m very happy that my dogs are healthy at this point in time!
Another happy little thing, is that Vilje has been mated - hopefully now we are expecting a bunch of babies!
I will update more soon. For now, I hope you are all healthy and well.

A little update
As the days, weeks and months fly by, the world has in many ways been turned upside down .
All plans of shows and travelling are cancelled, the Norwegian Kennel Club has so far decided until the end of may.
When I wondered back in january what this year had in store for us, not even in my wildest imagination did I think of a global crisis like the COVID-19 virus!
This also has affected the plans I had for my next litter - how much, I still do not know but as per today, travelling to the male I had decided on is out of the question. However, as mentioned before I have had a fair few males on my mind and I am lucky that a great older male is within the borders.
Please everyone take care of each other, and I hope to meet up with so many of you when we finally can travel and show again.
NDK Winner`s list 2019
The results came out a few days ago for last year`s show winner list 2019. With only Nikki having placed at counting shows - a whopping 2...! haha! We still placed well.
Iztaris Anvindr Newfords Keep Talking Kennel Iztaris
4`th best show female 5`th best breeding female 4`th best kennel
8`th best show dog total
Let`s see what 2020 has in store for us. 3 counting shows enterred - already one more then last year..!
With Nikki`s placings it made her mum also place on the breeding female list, and as adults their results counts towards the kennel total as well.