NEWS 2022
Another year done and dusted.
Today we had our usual walk in the mountains, before the celebration starts. Hopefully the youngest one in the pack, will be like her mother, uncle and grandmother who all sleep trough it with no worries. This year 2022 has been a turmoil in many ways - but luckily mostly good. The pack all tested DCM clear in january/february, and I count my blessings for good friends when Marco could stay with one of the best, as I had surgery in april and the C litter was born in may. 11 puppies born, but sadly two brown girls did not make it.
Out of the remaining 9, I decided to keep two. Not the plan, but hey...whats one more? Haha!
Mama Brown turned 8 years old and has rocked the veteran show ring this year, she shows no signs of slowing down and still act like she did when she was 2 years old.
A few dogs have changed homes, as life sometimes hands out unexpected things, but I am happy to say that for the dogs it turned out even better then it was. September came with the B litter out for their MH test, and 2 of them now also have their hips and elbows scored. 6 of the C litter gang has attended a few puppy shows, but the best thing is that they all report about social, outgoing puppies that love to work and is easily trained - just what I aimed for. Fingers crossed for the continuation! And so, I can end this year by once more giving a big shout out to all my puppy owners - a HUGE thank you, for taking care of my babies the best way-training, loving and spoiling them. THANK YOU ALL.
And as for some of our results, here is a summary:
Iztaris Cirth Ithil: NDK TOP PUPPY nr 4 Iztaris Balrog: MH tested, HD A, AD 0, 24Hr EKG DCM Clear, 2 x CAC
Iztaris Catori : NDK TOP PUPPY nr 5 Iztaris Branwen: MH tested, HD C, AD 0
Iztaris Cirdan : 1 x BOB puppy Iztaris Brisingr: MH tested
Iztaris Chiraz : 1 x BOB BIG4 puppy Iztaris Armaros: 24Hr EKG DCM Clear, HD B (Dobermann Verein)
Iztaris Cor Unum: 1 x BOS puppy Iztaris Aurora Borealis: 24Hr EKG DCM Clear
Iztaris Capax Dei: 1 x BOB puppy Iztaris Anvindr: 24Hr EKG DCM Clear
And for the one who made it all possible; Newfords Keep Talking
24Hr EKG DCM Clear
2 x Veteran CACIB
2 x Veteran CAC
Copenhagen Veteran Winner 2022
Even more good news today, as the final result came in for one of my B litter males. He was off to the vets last week for his hips, elbows, teeth, neck & spine x-rays, and the kennel club agreed on the official pictures.
Iztaris Balrog - HD A & AD 0
Congratulations to his owners, one happy breeder here ! :-)
A bit slow to update here at the moment, time seems to just fly by!
Since the last update, our young puppy Iztaris Cirth Ithil, has been to her first 2 shows, and she has taken home 2 x BEST OF BREED puppy, and one BIG 4 puppy!
I`m very proud of my babygirl, and hopefully we will attend a few more puppyshows still.
The best news since last however, is the 24Hr EKG result from one of the B litter males.
Iztaris Balrog is currently DCM CLEAR ! For the report, please visit his own page HERE
I am very thankful for all my puppy owners, that help me in getting their dogs health tested.

And what a weekend! Myself, I have had a mini holiday in Denmark, visiting Kristine & meeting up with 3 of my C litter babies. Since Vilje now is veteran, we entered the Copenhagen Winner show in the hope of getting the title. My BBLC once more filled her fathers shoes and more
- not only did she claim her veteran title, she was 4`th best female and earning her veteran CACIB & CAC!
Back home in Norway, two of the C litter gang attended their very first puppyshows - and what a nice start! In Bergen, Iztaris Chiraz was BOB and BIG4 puppy, and in Drammen his brother Iztaris Cor Unum was BOS puppy!
Also in Bergen, one of my B litter males showed off his best moves and recieved his first CAC, beaten only by a CH male.
Happy owners and happy breeder!
Thanks again everyone, for beeing active with your dogs and giving them all the best!
I could not be more proud of you all

As the weeks and months have gone by, the Embark DNA tests have returned slow and steady. Now the litter is completely finished genotyping, and once more I am amazed by the different things one can learn in this process. Chromosone comparison, genetic COI and 217 different genetic tests are avaliable.
And the more dogs we put into this database, the more we learn.
Soon my B litter will do their MH testing as well, so I may asess their mentality. Looking much forward to it, even though many thinks they are too young at only 15 months still. Maybe they are - but this way one gets an as honest picture as possible.
That should be the main goal for testing, in my mind.

As the weeks go by, the genotyping has started for my C litter gang.
3 of them have their results back, and all of the rest has finally arrived at the lab.
This means I can start the last leg on my rather unpatient
waiting...! haha !
Once more I just have to say a huge THANK YOU to my puppybuyers for the help in getting all puppies tested.
I know this is nothing that affects your daily lives, weather your dog is this or that or carries different things or not. But for my breeding and most of all for further research down the line, this is such a valuable tool!
As a few wil know, I had both my A litter siblings hipscored here in Norway last year. The results were not great, but luck would have it that I had the vetrinarian send the pictures abroad as well. Funnily enough, the same pictures in another country scored HD FREE on both my dogs.
This made me once again question the routines here, and so I had another vet X-ray my male. Yesterday the result came back.
And what a result. This is now the second country stating that the dog is HD FREE.
Iztaris Armaros HD B1 from Dobermann Verein!

This year, the Norwegian Dobermann Club celebrates 100 years.
I have not been able to attend most of the shows held this year, because of the C litter gang on the ground - but this weekend I could not miss!
for the first time in 7 years, I once more have a veteran to show, and a very special one at such. Diezel`s baby. My very own BBLC.
And she did not disapoint. BEST OF BREED VETERAN both days, and two new titles under her belt.
With her BOB veteran on saturday, she is now also NDK Veteran CLUB CHAMPION, gaining her crowning 3`rd veteran CAC!
Her children also did a few laps, and on saturday I showed my very first progeny group - getting the Honour prize for them from a breed specialist was a great moment.
Two of the B litter juniors also placed 3`rd i couple class on saturday, and my own two A litter babies placed 3`rd on sunday!
Thank you everyone of my puppybuyers for coming to join in the madness, and for taking such great care of your pups!
We may not have placed in for best males/females, but we showed some great dogs, who 3 out of 5 just needs to mature and grow,
and the other two needs to bounce back from puppies and ...well...Marco..hahaha!
I love my dude - and who knows? Maybe when he is veteran, he will have all 4 feet on the ground...?
Having enterred this show before the puppies were born, Camilla and I made plans to "just drive and do an allnighter" . If I managed to get someone to babysit ofcourse. My brother was up for the task, and I could arrange for meeting up with potential puppybuyers too. So inbetween the 30 hours of driving, stopping for a few minutes rest, talking and meeting up with everyone - we also had a few laps in the ring! Two of my B litter males were shown in juniorclass, and their owners showed their dogs themselves! I am very proud of you all, and I know that with a bit more practice the top results will come. Myself I showed Mama Brown, and she was best veteran and 3`rd best female total! I am so proud of my girl, and now she only need one more club CAC for veteran CH.
On the picture is her with the judge, breed specialist Mr Rada Istvan.

This has been a long awaited litter, and finally 4 brown males, 2 black males, 2 brown females and 3 black females saw the light of day may 2`nd 2022.
After 18 hours of birth, we were all very tired and sadly we have lost 2 puppies.
But the remaining gang is eating, growing and squeaking like champions!

Yesterday two of our dogs attended their first show of the season, and they both did great!
My old girl Vilje, was for the first time in veteran class where she placed second, and got her first veteran club CAC! She then proceeded to place 4`th in best female competition!
Chavo (Iztaris Balrog) had his very first outing in juniorclass, and what a start! He finished the day 3`rd best male total, with the reserve CAC!
Happy breeder and owner today.

Yesterday, we were a quick visit to the vet, to see if our hopes were true. And they certainly were! The second we started, the first puppy appeared and we could easily count to 8 or 9. I stopped there, as now I know there are a good number in the making.
So here it is! The very first picture of one of our C litter gang!
This time from another one of the A litter gang - I am very happy to report that once more, our lovely girl Iztaris Aurora Borealis was EKG 24Hr holter tested with NO remarks!
Actually, her heart was better then last year when we tested her. :-)
For the report, please visit her own page.
Yesterday, two of my B litter males, attended the last possible puppyshow, before entering juniorclasses.
I am happy to report that the two most exited youngsters, managed to show the judge atleast a little bit of themselves and both got the HP!
Iztaris Brisingr beat his brother Balrog to the finishline, and became BEST OF BREED PUPPY.
Congratulations Tuva and Camilla, and thanks again for joining the madness that is the showring!

Our A litter girl has been mated, albeit a few weeks after "schedule" - but finally the real waiting can begin! For more information on our upcoming C litter, please visit our PLANNED LITTER page.
Round 3 of our annual EKG holter testing, was my own A litter male and I am very happy to report that he as well, is currently DCM CLEAR !!
To see his full report, visit his own page HERE
Round 2 of our annual EKG holter testing, was my old girl and mother to my A and B litters.
I am very happy to report that once more, her EKG holter was exellent, with no signs of DCM! For the report, please visit her own page HERE
As the new year begins, so do our annual heart testing.
I decided to start in january instead of february, as my girl is hopefully getting her first litter this spring, and just in case I wanted to have the EKG holter done.
This was her third EKG holter, and like previous years, my girl is healthy and fine.
Results are on her pages HERE