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NEWS 2025




As the new year progresses, so does our annual heart testing. This weekend it was my male, Iztaris Armaros who was next in line, and I am very happy to report that at 7 years of age he is still DCM clear, with 0 VPC and no other notes. 

Happy owner and breeder! I am also happy that several of my puppyowners are in line to get their dogs tested as well. The more dogs we test, the more we know! 

From my own pack, the last one out this round will be Mama Brooown herself. 




Hopefully everyone have enterred the new year safe and sound. We sure have, with some great news right before christmas and again now.

2024 ended with 2 dogs having their EKG holter testing - Iztaris Aurora Borealis had her second one, as the regular one in the spring was a little off for her.

The second test was once again spot on and she is currently still DCM clear. My own youngest girl here, then had her annual test and again still a healthy dog.

The new year started with testing her mother - my very own Iztaris Anvindr. 

She is currently still DCM clear at the age of 7.

Happy owner and breeder! 

How to contact us
Dobermann, Norge, Bergen, Iztaris
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